INSTALLATION AND RUNNING THE DEMO: To set up your digital audio card type SETSOUND. To run the game, type DLIGHT. DEMO CONTENTS: This interactive demo is only a fraction of what the full version of Darklight Conflict has to offer, and contains the following: One Player Game. Arcade, limited to approximately 4 minutes gameplay. One Player Game. Adventure, limited to 2 missions. Multi-Player Game. Limited to 3 players and approximately 10 minutes gameplay. BASIC CONTROLS - KEYBOARD ONLY (default): Climb - Down Arrow. Dive - Up Arrow. Left - Left Arrow. Right - Right Arrow. Bank Left - Left ALT + Left Arrow. Bank Right - Left ALT + Right Arrow. Fire Primary Weapon - Space. Fire Secondary Weapon - Left ALT. Speed - 1-9. 0 for none, minus for Reverse. Afterburner - Left ALT + Up Arrow. Shield - Press and hold Space. Scanner Range Toggle - Tab. Pause - P. BASIC CONTROLS - JOYSTICK + KEYBOARD (default): Climb - Joystick Down. Dive - Joystick Up. Left - Joystick Left. Right - Joystick Right. Bank Left - Left Arrow. Bank Right - Right Arrow. Fire Primary Weapon - Fire Button 1. Fire Secondary Weapon - Fire Button 2. Speed - 1-9. 0 for none, minus for Reverse ... or ... Up and Down Arrows. Afterburner - Press and hold Up Arrow. Shield - Press and hold Fire Button 1. BASIC CONTROLS - MOUSE + KEYBOARD (default): Climb - Mouse Down. Dive - Mouse Up. Left - Mouse Left. Right - Mouse Right. Bank Left - Left Arrow. Bank Right - Right Arrow. Fire Primary Weapon - Mouse Button 1. Fire Secondary Weapon - Mouse Button 2. Speed - 1-9. 0 for none, minus for Reverse ... or ... Up and Down Arrows. Afterburner - Press and hold Up Arrow. Shield - Press and hold Mouse Button 1. IN-GAME TIPS: In the top right of your HUD there is an energy bar. This is vital for prolonged firing of your Laser Cannons, use of your Shields and your Afterburner. Once depleted you are reduced to about two thirds of your maximum speed, have reduced Laser Cannon and Shield power, and you can no longer use your Afterburner. You can recharge your energy during some areas of hyperspace. During hyperspace there are two types of energy, one to collect and one to avoid. The Red ones increase your energy, and the Blue ones decrease your energy. You cannot fire your Primary Weapons when the Shield is activated. You have 4 damage indicators. Front, back, left and right. Each will light up from Green to Red when being hit. If the damage is so great that a whole quadrant of your damage indicator flashes, this means if you power up your shields that area will no longer be protected. It will stay this way until your mission has ended ... one way or the other. THIS DEMONSTRATION IS INTENDED FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT BE SOLD OR RENTED BY ANY PARTY. ANY UNAUTHORISED USE OF THIS DEMONSTRATION IS PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT WILL ELECTRONIC ARTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS ELECTRONIC ARTS SOFTWARE PRODUCT. ELECTRONIC ARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS IN THIS FILE AND TO THE SOFTWARE AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS FILE AND THE SOFTWARE HEREWITH IS COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. SOFTWARE © 1997 RAGE SOFTWARE LTD. DOCUMENTATION © 1997 ELECTRONIC ARTS. THE RAGE SOFTWARE LOGO IS A TRADEMARK OF RAGE SOFTWARE. DARKLIGHT CONFLICT, ELECTRONIC ARTS AND THE ELECTRONIC ARTS LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OR REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF ELECTRONIC ARTS IN THE UNITED STATES AND/OR OTHER COUNTRIES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.